Generation AI: Human-centered
prompts for the Modern Educator
Lesson planning for a dynamic classroom is hard. Designing activities for deeper learning requires planning. Balancing diverse student needs and expectations requires empathy and adaptability.
On top of all that, communication with parents and guardians is challenging.
All of this is time intensive.
And you're tired.
What if there was a way you could cut your planning time for those engaging lessons from hours to minutes? And what if you could quickly write those emails and communications to stakeholders?
There is another way.
What you'll discover in this free eBook

A pedagogy first approach
A forward-thinking pedagogical approach that embraces the potential of AI as a powerful tool for empowering students and revolutionizing the learning process.

Lesson planning prompts
Prompts to generate lesson plans with research-based strategies for engaging students, promoting critical thinking, and encouraging collaboration, all while keeping up with the rapid developments in AI technology.

Prompts for any level or subject
A diverse collection of curated prompts, designed to cater to a wide range of subjects, skill levels, and learning objectives. No matter your teaching focus, you'll find inspiration tailored to your unique classroom needs.

Communication prompts
Prompts for quickly communicating with parents and guardian regarding classroom activities, student behavior, and responding to questions.

Video demos
We'll walk you through sample prompts, look at the results, and share ideas for going further.
Generation AI:
Human-centered prompts for the Modern Educator
Discover "Generation AI: Human-centered Prompts for the Modern Educator," an innovative and groundbreaking book that equips educators with the knowledge and tools to incorporate ChatGPT effectively in their classrooms, fostering human-centered learning experiences for Generation AI.
- Rooted in human-centered. learning theory
- 100+ learning promptsā€‹
- 20+ bonus administrative prompts
- A pedagogy first approach to promptsā€‹
- Includes the Habits of Mind, technology, assessments, and moreā€‹
- Always updated, always FREEā€‹