
Generation AI: Human-centered Education Series (Courses Only)

In this three course series on artificial intelligence in education, you'll discover more than 90 hours of videos, readings, exercises, and activities designed to enable you to create more human-centered learning experiences in your classroom. The three courses included in this offer include: Generation AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Educators, Generation AI: Designing Human-centered Lesson Plans, and Generation AI: Culture, Ethics & Cheating in the Classroom.

What you'll get:

  • 3 courses
    • Generation AI: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Educators
    • Generation AI: Designing Human-centered Lesson Plans
    • Generation AI: Culture, Ethics & Cheating in the Classroom​
  • Access to Design Mindset Discord community
  • Access to monthly live sessions with course authors Brendan Brennan and Chris Bell on artificial intelligence in education
  • Option to pursue graduate credit at a late date, if desired.